Neuromarketing Extra

In addition to the examples from the book, here are some additional neuromarketing principles.

Make Incomparable

When comparing washing machines, you'll find that the major retailers often have slightly different models. Are these from the same series and therefore comparable? The salesperson makes a significant effort to name or number the type just a bit differently:

  • Samsung WW80T734ABH QuickDrive Autodose € 829,-
  • Samsung QuickDrive wasmachine WW80T734AWH  € 749,-
  • SAMSUNG QuickDrive 8000-serie WW80T936ASH € 849,-

Are these exactly the same washing machines? Are they different enough that the most expensive one can cost 100 euros more? The prices and model numbers were found on the websites of Coolblue, BCC, and Would you perhaps choose the supplier you trust the most?


If you want to buy an expensive device, you quickly find yourself at a selection helper with the major retailers. If you modestly answer the questions from this assistance test, you’ll end up with a device that they recommend. The price might be disappointing, try it yourself!

In this way, they establish a price anchor: a reference amount against which you will compare all other offers. If you don’t know how much a Neo QLED TV should cost, you’ll see this initial price. Your brain takes this amount as a starting point. You get used to the idea that this is how much it costs to have such a nice screen. A screen that is €200 cheaper suddenly seems like a good choice, even though you might still be paying too much.

Rounded prices

Unconsciously, people feel that there is room to negotiate a second-hand car with an initial price of €5,000 down to €4,000. In contrast, if there is a precise price of €4,993.50, the negotiation will more likely focus on a discount of no more than €100.

Babies and beautiful women

Pictures of babies perform the best. On a deep level, we have a weakness for these vulnerable beings. They capture our attention, especially when we direct the baby's gaze toward something we want to focus on. It stirs our sense of altruism. Beautiful women (whether live or in photos) also attract attention, especially from men.

Right Ear

Position yourself in such a way that you speak into the other person's right ear. Through this ear, spoken words are received much better. Research shows that the other person is more likely to trust you.

Warm Drinks, Soft Chairs

When the customer holds and enjoys a warm drink, she develops a warmer feeling toward you. Offering sweets also helps to create a favorable impression and encourages people to buy more. A soft chair in a sales space makes us less likely to negotiate hard. Provide people with something to touch, something soft.

Gaining attention through movement and the unexpected.

Just like with magicians, people focus on movement. You can only concentrate on one thing at a time. Doing something unexpected also works well. Use the word "NEW."

Selfconscious Mirrors

A mirror encourages people to act more honestly and feel more satisfied with themselves when they do something good. Therefore, place a mirror at the self-checkout.

One Person

Make it clear with the story of one person, not a whole group. We tend to feel sympathy for individuals. There's always one child shown with hunger or an illness to encourage us to make a donation.



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Programma werkconferentie 17 april 2024

09.00 uur
Ontvangst met koffie en thee in het Zendstation te Lopikerkapel

09.30 uur
Interactieve workshop met Bart Verhaagen over de wereld van onze overtuigingen. Waar komt ons gedrag vandaan en hoe kun je dit beïnvloeden? Via het Perspectief Principe bespreken we de 12 vormen van beïnvloeden en de methode van het Beïnvloedingskompas.

11.00 uur
Tijdens de koffiepauze ga je zelf aan de slag om belemmerende overtuigingen naar boven te halen in een gesprek met een collega deelnemer.

11.30 uur
Demonstratie van de toepassing van alle vormen van beïnvloeden met een casus van iemand uit de zaal. Je ervaart direct op welke manier je ruimte kunt scheppen in knellende patronen.

12.30 uur
Tijdens de middagpauze ontvang je een gesigneerd exemplaar van het boek ‘Laat die overtuiging los’ en ontmoet je andere professionals bij een heerlijke lunch.

13.30 uur
Kies uit twee parallelle workshops:

Wat kunnen we leren van alle breinwetten uit de neuromarketing die ons overhalen om van alles in supermarkten en online te kopen? In de workshop onderzoek je op welke manier je deze kennis kunt inzetten in de dagelijkse praktijk

Hoe kun je zorgen dat vergaderingen niet eindeloos duren en vol zitten met herhalingen en stokpaardjes? Je gaat zelf oefenen met het zetten van een kader en leert de taal die mensen hierin meeneemt.

14.45 uur

15.15 uur
Kies nogmaals uit twee parallelle workshops:

Hoe kun je hypnose en conversational trance inzetten in jouw werkpraktijk? Je gaat in deze workshop zelf oefenen met trance taal voor alledaagse toepassingen. Zodat je weerstand ombuigt naar samenwerking.

Hoe pas je de Krijgskunst Aikido toe zodat je goed gecentreerd en volledig in je kracht staat? Hoe kun je mensen in beweging brengen vanuit de overtuiging dat ze graag willen bewegen?

16.30 uur
Plenaire afronding

17.00 uur
Feestelijke borrel